When launching a build to rent (BTR) project, developing a strong brand is just as important as the architecture or blueprints.

In fact, having your brand steer development and design, and not the other way around, means your BTR community will offer a consistent product that meets the needs of your desired customer. 

When beginning the branding process for your BTR project, here are some things to keep in mind:


Consider The Community

The branding for your BTR project should be anchored in the community that the building(s) will ultimately stand in. This will help establish a connection between the existing culture and the environment that will be found within the new build.

Think about the following:

  • Who lives here? Young professionals, students, seniors?
  • Who's going to live here? 
  • Is the area experiencing gentrification? 
  • What do the people here like to do? 
  • What amenities are missing? 

Your community's brand should grow out of engaging with the neighbourhood and the people that are living and working there. 


More Than Just a Logo

Your brand is more than just a picture with some accompanying text; it portrays the mood of the project and the feelings that it will invoke. This allows potential residents to connect with your product before they ever see a floorplan or take a tour.

Visual branding takes more than just a picture and a name into account. A thorough branding package consists of textures, feelings, and imagery along with the colours and fonts and graphics of the logo itself. All of this should relate back to the environment that the community will ultimately exist in.


Brand Implementation

When implementing your brand, don't forget about your most important asset: your people. Ensuring your leasing agents, in-house staff, on-site manager and other employees are familiar with your brand means it won't just be represented visually, but in every interaction throughout the community. 

In order for the market to consider "buying" your product, it must be attractive, accessible and appropriate to their needs. A product with a good brand allows consumers to develop a sense and understanding of what is being offered before it has been physically built.

Branding your BTR project is an essential part of your marketing process. If your team draws inspiration from the community and properly utilizes all available brand channels, you'll connect better with your audience and see better results.