You may think the website will be one of the simpler components of your Build to Rent (BTR) marketing. When construction is nearing completion, compile all the important content and launch your site.

Simple, right?

Not quite. 

If you're waiting that long to establish a web presence, you're missing out on tons of valuable data and leads through pre-registration. 

However, you don't need a full, robust website to be in place in order to collect those pre-registrations. You do need a simple, temporary landing page to begin to collect emails and offer a glimpse of the building(s) to come. 


When Do I Need a Landing Page?

Creating a landing page should be near the top of your BTR marketing to-do list. It should be live as soon as soon as your brand has been developed and before construction begins. 

You'll want to include your landing page information wherever you can. For example, your construction hoarding and print material should highlight your website as much as possible. This will allow interested renters to pre-register for more information, even in the earliest stages of the project.


Where Does My Landing Page Go?

Your landing page should "live" on your primary domain. That should be the URL where your full website will be, when the time comes. This means you won't have to update marketing materials with new web addresses. You can simply have your web development team activate your full site once it is ready to go live. 


What Should I Include On My Landing Page?

Your BTR landing page should include your branding, some renderings, be mobile responsive, contain project news, and - most importantly - give the visitor an opportunity to pre-register for updates.

Your pre-registration form should be the centrepiece of your landing page. It should be a simple email collection form, meaning you should keep the number of form sections to an absolute minimum. At this stage, you aren't trying to lease units; you're simply trying to grow a targeted list of prospective renters with interest in your project. Collecting emails from your prospects will allow you to begin your email marketing campaign, which is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies for BTR.